RSA +27 79 714 1966 | NL +31(0)20 808 3758 12 Cherry Ave, Belle Constantia, Cape Town

Information For Families

Watching a loved one destroy themselves through an addiction (and the lives of those who depend on them) is an incredibly lonely and painful experience.

If you are reading this page, you may have already walked quite a distance down this road. With the best intentions in the world, family members usually cope with the fear and chaos of addiction in ways that sustain and compound the problem over a period of time. Secrecy, denial and enabling dynamics are the norm. Help is generally only sought once a breaking point has been reached.


Helpful Information

If someone you love is battling an addiction and you are wondering what to do, please read this.

Signs of an Addiction

If you suspect that a family member may have an addiction, please review this list.

Intervention Guidelines

Read through these guidelines to achieve the best outcome for an intervention.