The truth about addictions is that they come in many forms, shapes and sizes. For some, it is alcohol, drugs, sex, work, or relationships. For others, it is a combination of them all. Our addictions in life are similar in that they all take us to a point of excess. In many ways, this excess can derail us and keep us from focusing on the best our life has to offer.
So, how can you turn the ship around? How can you bring change – real change – to your life? We explore here. Then, we invite your questions or comments about overcoming addiction at the end.
We All Do Something In Excess
Almost every one one us have something that is driven in our lives as excess. In the previous article, I discussed my family’s long history with alcoholism. My father was recently able to break away from the cycle, but he had to come to terms with the effects of his alcohol abuse. Which led to guilt. Which led to paralysis. Which led to more guilt.
How Can We Move Out Of Old Patterns?
You see, even though addiction is a difficult obstacle, it can be overcome with diligence through our choices and influences. Obstacles are life’s truth tools! A tool like this shows where we need new encouragement, focus, and new growth in our addiction recovery.
Q: What’s the secret to overcoming addiction?
A: In fact, there is no “secret” to beating addictions. Rather, we are competing with ourselves.
Do You Really Have It All Together?
STEP 1: Self-evaluation
One thing that can often stand in our way is pride, the lie that: “I have it all together.” To break down my pride, I begin by asking myself why I feel like I have it all together. When I have asked myself that question at certain points in my life, I’ve realized what I was doing was rejecting the help that I desperately needed. If I’m not being honest, I’m only hurting myself.
STEP 2: Ask deeper questions
The next step is breaking down obstacles by asking ourselves deeper questions:
- What must I learn about myself to grow myself?
- What can I learn from this to better me for the future?
- What must I do to strengthen my mind, body and spirit?
- How can I surround myself with better influences?
- Who can help me be accountable for the new life I’m seeking?
- What does my journey look like finished? What are the goals for my new life?
When we ask ourselves great questions, we can condition our mind to accept nothing less than completion of our new life through overcoming our addictions. We need to strive to recognize and understand that life is not accidental. We turn our limitations into the power of living our life the way we were meant to.
STEP 3: Know when you need to call in reinforcements
As we all move forward past our addictions and hangups, remember to be honest with yourself and to seek help when you need it. Getting rid of pride and asking for help can often be the first step toward breaking down the excess in our lives.